Planning your Dream Wedding: DJ Edition

Every couple dreams of a wedding that is a perfect reflection of their love story. A significant part of creating this magical experience is the music, orchestrated by your wedding DJ. This guide will walk you through the process of effectively planning your wedding and music with your DJ.

Envision Your Wedding Atmosphere

The first step towards planning your wedding with your DJ is to understand your own vision. Do you want a laid-back, intimate feel, or are you aiming for a grand dance party? Your choice of music will set the tone for your event, so ensure that it aligns with your desired atmosphere. Share this vision with your DJ, which will guide them in preparing the right music. It is key to reference elements from weddings that you have attended to incorporate or modify to make your own! You also must consider things like location, guest count and more.

Choosing Your DJ

A DJ isn’t just someone who plays music; they're instrumental in controlling the flow and mood of your event. When choosing a DJ, look for someone who understands your musical tastes, communicates well, and has good reviews from past clients. Once you've found a match, discuss the logistics and details of the event, including the venue, timeline, and special requests. The other side of that coin is the MC aspect of the night. I personally embody my 90’s style wrestling announcer voice haha It sounds strange but it’s true. I love hyping the crowd and getting everyone engaged and creating an atmosphere of excitement. It tends to set up for a great open dance floor!

Communicate Your Music Preferences

Compile a list of your favorite songs, genres, and any specific tracks you want (or don’t want) at your wedding. This will help your DJ get a sense of your tastes and preferences. A successful DJ is one that dictates the music selection based on your list, the age group, the tracks that have been played with good response and more. It’s called reading the room and in my opinion, that is what separates great DJ’s from good ones. So be sure to communicate with your DJ not just your vision but music taste as well. If you are not a “Music” person, that’s ok, let your DJ know some genres and a few songs, and we can easily compile a great selection to work with on the night. And if it isn’t at first, by reading the room we will adjust!

Plan The Event Timeline

A well-crafted timeline helps keep your event running smoothly. Your DJ will need to know when to cue certain songs, when to amp up the energy or slow it down. Make sure to coordinate your timeline with your DJ, sharing important moments like speeches, special dances, and breaks for meals. This is not only important for you, but also your other vendors. The DJ has a lot of control for the reception portion of your wedding. An informed DJ is a prepared DJ, and one that will keep your wedding vendor team on the same page!

Trust Your DJ

You've chosen your DJ because of their skills and experience, so trust their judgement. While you've provided them with your must-play and do-not-play lists, allow them some flexibility to read the crowd. Your DJ knows how to respond to the energy of the room and will ensure that the dance floor is never empty. This is also a big responsibility for you as the client when it comes to vetting potential DJ’s for the big day. Ask questions, ask if they have any recordings of their sets or videos of past events. Do not just book a DJ because it’s easy or cheap. When you do book the perfect DJ for your event, the trust part comes easy!


Planning your wedding with your DJ can be a wonderful journey if you know how to navigate it. Remember, your DJ is more than a service provider—they’re a partner in your celebration. Open communication, careful planning, and trust in their professional skills will ensure a wedding day filled with joy, laughter, and of course, unforgettable music.

There's something incredibly beautiful about a wedding that resonates with the personality and love of the couple. And as your DJ, we're committed to helping you create just that. Here's to a day of love, unity, and fantastic music. Happy planning!


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